Thursday, January 16, 2014

Room Review II

A picture of my Dad + vanity tray w/ little gold elephant
Jewelry box + frame

For those that didn't know, I am obsessed with elephants.  I found the little gold elephant at Target and couldn't help but buy it.  Last year's apartment didn't have actual closets so I had to basically build mine.  This year however, we have actual closets with actual shelves.  I am a big believer in less is more, as many of you probably know by now (if you've read my previous posts).  It's not about the quantity you have in your closet, it's the quality.  You can have a ton of clothes, but you probably don't wear close to half of them.  If I don't wear something after about 6-7 months I get rid of it because I am simply never going to wear it.  What really makes a difference is if you can re-create looks using the same pieces of clothing.  I challenge everyone to do that!  I couldn't be more obsessed with my jewelry box.  I found it when I was thrifting with my mom this summer.  It's probably one of the best purchases I have ever made.  The "why, hello" frame is a little DIY project I did.  I am the least crafty person, ever, so it took me by surprise that I even thought of doing it.  I received a Madewell postcard in the mail & this was the front of it.  I cut it out and put it in my gold frame.  Ta-da!  I know, so crafty :)  I hope everyone has a great Thursday! xx


  1. LOVE! I think I am going to make a little phrase in a photo frame too! I would love to see more of your room and how you have made it your own! Also, you have inspired me to go through my closet and start building my wardwrode around quality pieces! Love your blog Molly! :)

    I also have a blog,
    I would love for you to check it out!

    1. Thank you! That means a lot :) I will check it out. xx

  2. come organize me closet k
